"Look, they sell dildo's in the supermarket!"
This is what my 18 year old friend runs over and whispers to me as we check out of the supermarket. He is wildly excited and titilated at the fact that common everyday place are selling 'forbidden object'! I was wondering what he'd been doing lurking over by the condom section when he claimed to need a nail clipper. Welcome to Auuusstriaaa!
And thus a night of sexual toys is born! Starting with a long envolved conversation about how and why you would use a virbrating ring (a friend gave him one in Berlin), google become involved throwning down the step by step intructions on how to use that little baby. This discussion ended with me waking up to something vibrating on my face. Ahh, the joy!
Well 'scuse me I have to go make love to some beautiful shoes.
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