Let's talk about BOOBS. I found an article about the subject and until now I never realised how powerful us girls are! The power of boobs should not be underestimated!!
From the Dawn of Time, boobs have been shaping history - destroying careers, crippling world powers. Many men have been nearly destroyed by these orbs of power.
Q: What Can Women Do If They Want This Power, But Are Weak in the Ways of the Boob?
A: The Pushup. Or if you are rich and famous you could get a boob job or enhance your boobies or whatever rich people do.
Q: Is there anything else to boobs other than the Sideboob, Underboob, and Cleavage?
A: Yes. The center of the Boob is the source of its power. It is so powerful in fact that society does not permit its public display for fear of wide spread anarchy, and mass headsplosions. So here are some things that look sort of like the center of the boob:

Q: I heard something bad happens to Gremlins when they get wet. Is the same true for Boobs?
A: Yes and no. They triple or quadruple in power, so this can be a good or a bad thing.
Exhibit 1; Regular, non-wet boobs.

Exhibit 2; Super-charged, wet boobs!!!!

HAHahaha. Orbits of power! Not that the amount of cleavage a girl pertains should really matter one way or the other, GUYS.
(uurgh guys are such whores. aren't girls too? yes.)
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