10 January 2011

Ten Guilty Pleasures

Why should pleasures be guilty? Aren't our pleasures supposed to make us feel good? I guess they mean "guilty" when your pleasures are something like buttering yourself up with fake sun tan lotion 'cause that's just weird. Not like watching porn. Porn is completely normal!
  1. Skinny jeans (TIGHT skinny jeans). On hot men. Cheap Mondays.
  2. Chocolatechocolatechocolatechocolateandsomemorechocolate.
  3. McDonald's Ice-cream. All ice-creams except for anything with mint in it. Mint is bleeh.
  4. GREEN DAY 4EVER!!!!!!!!!
  5. Good smelling hot guys. Mmmm muscles.
  6. Long, spontaneous, crazy nights out.
  7. Facebook. That's a bit of a "guilty" pleasure I guess.
  8. Singing. Anywhere, everywhere, always. 
  9. Glee. Glee. More Glee. And historical and war movies. Musicals! (I am not gay).
  10. Baking. I am a bako-mania. If that exists. Yes it does.
I would write more but I was only allowed ten things otherwise it wouldn't be "Ten Guilty Pleasures". Duh.

To fall in love and fall in debt to alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane to keep me insane doing someone else's cocaine..


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